Support Us (old)

Despite rising costs, we work hard to maintain our commitment to the community by keeping ticket prices low. Fees paid by singers and ticket sales cover a portion of our general operating costs, but for the remainder we depend upon donations as our only other means of support. We could not exist without the contributions of our friends and supporters.

Your tax-deductible donations help Siskiyou Singers continue providing the community with high quality musical performances. We greatly appreciate your generosity and thank you for your support. All donors are listed in our season programs.

How to Support Siskiyou Singers


To make a direct donation for the financial support of Siskiyou Singers, please use the “Donate” button below. Or you can print and mail a Contribution form

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Our concert programs are among the most eye-catching and informative of any by performing arts organizations in the Rogue Valley. To place an ad in an upcoming program, email for information and ad rates. Top-tier advertisers also receive acknowledgement on our home page.


You can donate your old car to benefit Siskiyou Singers. Donating is easy, the pick-up is free, and your gift is tax-deductible. Details here.