President’s Message Week 1

Greetings Siskiyou Singers,

Seems like most all of the snow at our lower elevations has melted away finally 🤗
It was great to see so many returning singers last Tuesday and I know there will be more at rehearsal tomorrow evening. Now that you all have your music and email notes/instructions from Mark, I’m sure you’ve been hard at work practicing your parts at home so we are able to put it all together when we meet for our weekly rehearsals… Right? 🙃
The next big event on the horizon for us is our Saturday, March, 8th workshop from 9 AM to 3 PM. Please be sure to have this on your calendar as it’s a time we have to do some socializing combined with a bit of deep diving into the music Mark has chosen for us to prepare for our spring concerts. Singers have found these workshops to be very helpful and enjoyable to participate in over the years. There will be about 30 minutes to socialize and munch on some healthy food snacks, coffee, tea and famously a variety of Puck’s Donuts before we do an ice breaker exercise and then dive into some singing. There will be a 30 minute “brown bag” lunch break at noon and then more music business until 3 PM. You will come away from this workshop feeling more knowledgeable and competent about the pieces we will be performing at our May concerts.
Sectional Rehearsals
In addition to the workshop, we will schedule at least one sectional rehearsal specific to your voice part where Mark will lead your section on some of the more difficult portions of the music that he feels need additional attention. He will also cover places you identify as being more challenging and need some help with (most likely they will be the same as others in your section are struggling with as well). These sectional rehearsals are very productive and are highly recommended to attend if you are able to fit it into your schedule.
SIskiyou Singers Website
The “Members” page on our website is packed with lots of information and resources for you to use. Just go to and click on the Members tab then login using the password  silentnight  
Bright Green Sheet
In your packet of sheet music, there is bright green colored paper with our rehearsal dates and times as well as other scheduled events for the term. Near the bottom of that page there are the names and email addresses of our section leaders.
Tenors should note that Sean Connolly’s email address is incorrect. His email is (the “m” in the middle of it is missing).
If you have questions about anything choir related, your section leader is who you should consult first. You are also welcome to send me an email or catch me at rehearsal if needed.
See you tonight,
Steve Thomas