President’s email 11/19/24

Hello Siskiyou Singers!

I hope all of your homework practice has been going well. Do you have those Boogie Fever dance moves down and the piece memorized yet?  💁‍♀️ 🙅 🙆🏼‍♀️ 🙋‍♂️ 🤦‍♀️ 🤷 🤷‍♀️ It’s a fun one!
Cold Weather
We’re definitely moving into the colder, wetter and darker winter weather now 🌨️ ❄️ and I just want to mention that it is very important to be extra cautious while walking from your parked car to and from rehearsals. There very well may be some icy and even snowy nights with slippery sidewalks to navigate. We will do our best to keep things as safe as possible but be sure to carry and use a flashlight or headlamp 🔦 in order to see the conditions. I am happy to lend an arm and escort anyone as needed. You can text or call me at 541-301-6281 to get assistance when you arrive for rehearsal or ask me as you leave rehearsal. Oftentimes, Howie is available as well.
Riser Volunteers
I still need some people to volunteer to help with setup and takedown of our risers for the December concert.
I will announce this tonight and have my signup list available.
Concert Usher Volunteers
I will also make an announcement asking for volunteer ushers for our December concert. These should be family members or friends who are able and willing (able to use steps). Ushers hand our programs, help people with seating if needed and any other general assistance. This concert is FREE so no ticket taking is needed but we will have Donation baskets available. If you know of any volunteers, please let me know at or tell me at rehearsal. We already have a House Manager who supervises ushers and another volunteer board member who will contact and coordinate the usher schedule.
Concert Advertising Posters
Michael Zuzel will have a stack of very “sweet” posters available in the back pews tonight. There is enough for each singer to take 5 home to distribute to businesses, public poster boards and anywhere else you feel would be good to grab the attention of possible concert goers. Many of us have done a more formal version of this for past concerts and are familiar with good locations so please help spread the word so we will have a full house of happy families to sing to and with! Our board members, Inga Leed and Andrew Klein have very graciously volunteered to send these posters home with school children in Talent and Phoenix (with spanish translation!) and distribute them electronically to Medford and Ashland school families in their online  newsletters! We are hoping this will attract a lot of families who normally aren’t able to attend our regular concerts.
Mountain Meadows Performance
Just a reminder that this event will be Tuesday, December 3rd with a call time of 6:15 and performance at 7:00. We will have a regular rehearsal the day before on Monday, December 2nd at the usual time and place.
Be sure you have all you need for concert dress attire for this performance. If you need assistance acquiring any items, ask your section leader for help.
Seating Charts
Mark sent seating charts for  both the December and January concerts in his last email, November 18. He wants us to be in our December seating arrangement tonight. Please take a look at where you are seated and who is on your right and left. Try to arrive a little early tonight to have time to get settled.
Above all else, Have Fun and Enjoy Singing!
Steve Thomas
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