Notes 3-26

Dear Singers

It was really fun to sing through some pieces and sound REALLY GOOD! Thank you for all your preparation. It makes a difference.

Some Notes…


Ain’a That Good News

  • Obviously, we need to work on the ending. Be ready for that.
  • “I’m a-gonna” is still not clear. It happens, in various parts, mm 8, 24, 40, 41, 57. Be sure to mark this so you get the “a” in there.
  • Basses, mm 64 – 66: You need to sing as if you are the stars there, because you ARE! (OK, you are always the stars)
  • Baritones, m 42: Don’t be confused by the word switch in the pickups to 43


  • m 15 and following: subito pp!
  • SA m 15: review coming in on time
  • mm 22, 23: more relaxed dynamically, then pp at 26
  • m 32 and following, off on 4
  • Tenors, m 62: Take another look at the starting note
  • Look at m 90, esp. S1 and B2. Also, that has been changed to a fp
  • BTW, there is another joke in this piece that Priscilla pointed out to me. We all get the “Bee” joke, but since they are crows, the joke is actually “Bee-caws”. LOL


  • Review mm 31 – 42. Sops totally lost it last night, but others were unsure.

Gate Gate

  • Please memorize m 134 to the end. Yes, you can do it. We can work out a way to put your music down so you can clap. The more you can memorize, the better, though. In a Candide world, everyone will have the whole thing memorized.

Definition IV

  • The crescendo in this piece comes in waves: the first crest is 85, then 89 a little more, then 92, then the peak is 99. Dim. from there to the end.
  • Altos, don’t forget the change of tempo at 105.


  • COUNT!
  • SA, count the rests mm 54 – 57.
