Final Choir Letter for the Term

Dear Singers

That was a wonderful couple of concerts! I really enjoyed them. In fact one singer commented that I seemed to be having more fun that ever before. I don’t know if that is true. I can think of many concerts I have really enjoyed. However, I think I had a great time because I was not worried. Our preparation was thorough and our spirit was high. This concert would have been a great one to listen to.

Thank you!

I did not get my chance to say thank you to the many people that made the concert possible. I’ll do that now:

  • Cathi Romero-Molay, the facility manager at SOU, who is easy to work with and does everything she can to help us.
  • Michael Zuzel, who maintains the website without a hitch, helps with our rehearsal recordings, and spends countless hours on publicity.
  • Andrew Klein, whose brilliant creative work will be revealed next term.
  • Shawn Shaffer our program designer
  • Danielle Seay, our head usher.
  • Cynthia Tank, whose take-charge work as our concert manager makes it possible for me to concentrate on my job–music.
  • Ro Tutland who hosted a wonderful party.
  • Deborah Sanford and Marilyn Reppert for their work organizing the music.
  • Sally Peterson and Michele Kyle for their work on Facebook, among other things.
  • Sally Peterson for organizing the Outreach program.
  • Our excellent section leaders.
  • Our board of directors which is the best I have ever worked with. Not only do they work hard to make things happen but they explore new and exciting ideas in order to make our choir even better!
  • Steve Thomas, our president. He is a leader in the best sense of the word.
  • Mikiko Petrucelli. It is not a small thing to be a good pianist, but Mikiko is a co-leader of the choir.
  • And, finally, Marilyn who continues to keep me sane enough that I don’t jump out any windows.

Next Concert(s)

We are looking forward to our spectacular concerts Jan 18 and 19. We will be performing the choruses from Gloria by Vivaldi, a classic of choral literature, and Chichester Psalms by Leonard Bernstein whose life was explored in the movie Maestro. You can even hear parts of Chichester in the movie. Here are a couple YouTube videos:
Bernstein conducting

Nice recording of the Vivaldi

Some Sad News

Katja Machinski, a long time member of Siskiyou Singers, passed away on May 8. Since leaving the choir, health issues increased for her, though she always hoped she could return.
Katja was an energetic, committed singer. She sang several solos for us and always had ideas for some new way to make the choir better. Her creativity, though not always appreciated, was always well-intended. She will be missed.

Here is a beautiful obituary from the RV Times:

Join us For  a Rogues Baseball Game!
We are still looking for singers to sing at the Rogues game on Wednesday, July 24. Please notice the date change! We then have free tickets for you and your guest to attend the game and root for our Rogues and enjoy each other’s company (and maybe a hot dog and some beer). The call time is 6 PM. Please let me know if you plan to attend. Don’t miss this–it’s really fun!

See you September 3!
