Hello Siskiyou Singers,
Just a couple of things to mention this week.
Spring Term Choir Workshop
Saturday, March 8th, 9 AM to 3 PM, Wesley Hall (next to and up the hill from the sanctuary we rehearse in on Tuesdays)
Program Ad Sales Manager Needed
Please let me know if you are willing to help us with this necessary task as soon as possible.
Lorri Whiteside (Soprano) was our Ad Sales Manager for our winter concerts but she had to step down due to other obligations for this spring term. These are the ads that you see in our concert programs. Businesses, professionals, organizations, companies, ect., purchase space in the program for their advertising and to help support the Siskiyou Singers. Lorri did a great job and most of our ads for this spring program are already contracted. However, there were two 1/2 page size ads and one business size ad that were contracted for only our winter program. So, we need to have a volunteer to step up and be our Ad Sales Manager for this term to try and replace those ads. The role of the Ad Sales Manager is to ask choir members for help in acquiring ads for our program and collect the contracts for use by our Graphic Arts Designer who assembles our program playbill. The Ad Sales Manager is not expected to sell all the ads.
Educational Outreach(From Sally Peterson)Siskiyou Singers Educational Outreach Program will be happening this April. You can email me at sgpeterson1@msn.com to sign up. I’ll also have the physical signup sheet and general information sheet available at the next few rehearsals. Music will be available soon. It’s really rewarding and enjoyable; I hope you’ll consider joining us.Have a good rehearsal tonight,Steve Thomas