Outreach Information

Hello Again Siskiyou Singers,

Sally Peterson asked me to include this in my weekly email but I forgot to do so. She will also be making anyother announcement during rehearsal tonight. The attatchment below is the schedule of the Outreach rehearsals and then the events at various schools. If you can at all do this, you’ll find it’s very fun and rewarding!

Steve Thomas


From Sally Peterson
Educational Outreach
Siskiyou Singers Educational Outreach Program will be happening this April. Attached is a copy of the basic information. You can email me at sgpeterson1@msn.com to sign up. I’ll also have the physical signup sheet and general information sheet available at the next few rehearsals. Music will be available next week. It’s really rewarding and enjoyable; I hope you’ll consider joining us.

School Outreach Schedule Spring 2025

Please add Director@SiskiyouSingers.org and President@SiskiyouSingers.org to your contacts to ensure you receive important choir updates and to help improve our email domain reputation.
Director: Mark Reppert || Director@SiskiyouSingers.org
President: Steve Thomas || President@SiskiyouSingers.org
Website: https://siskiyousingers.org
Members Section: https://siskiyousingers.org/members-only-2/
Group Inbox: https://groups.google.com/a/siskiyousingers.org/g/choir
🎶 Thank you for being a valued member of the Siskiyou Singers! 🎶