Another sample email from Priscilla High

Dear Music Lover,

In January, when you think that gloom and cold will never end, Siskiyou Singers offers  A Joyful Noise, at the SOU Music Recital Hall..
Our concert features two classical works: Antonio Vivaldi’s luminous “Gloria”, and Leonard Bernstein’s masterwork of praise, the “Chichester Psalms”, which ends with words, “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”.

After the intermission we’ll entertain you with great pop classics including works by the Beatles, Billy Joel, and more. We’ll end the concert with the choir and you singing “Hey Jude” together!

The dates of the concert are:
January 18, Saturday, at 3 pm
January 19, Sunday, at 3 pm.
Tickets are $25 ($5 w/Oregon Trail Card or students w.ID

Tickets are available at:
Music Coop or Paddington Station in Ashland,,
Or from me. Here’s how. Reply to this email telling me how many tickets you need and for which days. Include your postal address. I will send you  the tickets along with a stamped envelope addressed to me in which you will send me your check, made out to Siskiyou Singers. Easy as pie.

Musicologist Ed Wight will present a free lecture about the music one hour before both concerts

I look forward to singing this music for you.
Priscilla High

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